Free Tours by Foot Boston

This is an unusual shoot, but it was one of the fun ones! I hiked around Boston with Free Tours by Foot Boston, learning all sorts of facts about my home city. For example, the statue of Mary Dyer by the state house; she was a quaker who believed that anyone could have a personal relationship with god, including women. She was expelled from Boston for sharing her beliefs, but she returned in protest and to see her children. She was hanged, and her statue is by the state house as an apology and acknowledgement of her efforts. 

We walked the Freedom trail up to the Granary Burial ground, where Mother Goose, Crispus Attucks, Paul Revere, are buried. It’s amazing how much history is in such a small space, and I was glad that they included the hard parts, like the role of slavery in the economy during the revolutionary war, how the members of the Boston tea party dressed as indigenous peoples to disguise themselves, and if you’ve watched Hamilton, you know that some of the founding fathers had some very big personalities. I learned so much, and I loved seeing people visiting our city seeing it with fresh eyes! I recommend the tours!